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Selenium Training Institutes in Hyderabad

Why Selenium is the best Tool ?

While other companies charged truckloads of cash to use their automation tools, Selenium was “free.” By choosing to open-source Selenium, the creators gifted the tool with two things: unlimited reach and unlimited capabilities.

With other tools, you were limited based on how much you could pay. But anyone could simply go to the Selenium site, download the latest version, and start using it right away. Finally, small testing teams could shake the shackles that bound them to the overpriced corporations for so long.

But the other key to open-source is that it’s not only free code, it’s also fully modifiable. So if larger teams wanted to tweak it to fit their needs, they could. If someone wanted to add more features to it and share it with the world, they could (this is how the Selenium IDE was born).

So now you have an automation tool, not built by one single power, but built by anyone who wanted to work on it. This opened the door for innovation that some of the other companies were incapable of, and ultimately led to it’s widespread appeal.

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