Training institutes in Hyderabad provides SAP HR training classes with 100% placements in well established MNC companies in Hyderabad at once you complete the SAP HR training course. Our SAP HR trainers are experts and experienced working professionals with hands on real time multiple SAP HR projects knowledge. We have designed our SAP HR course content and syllabus based on students requirement to achieve their career goal. SAP HR Training Syllabus; sap HR module introduction, Organizational Structure, Enterprise Structure, Organizational Management, Recruitment, PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, Time Management, Payroll, Personnel Development, Training & Event Management, SAP HR real time project and sap hr/hcm placement training. Our sap hr training centers are equipped with well lab facilities and excellent infrastructure. We also provide sap hr/hcm certifi...
Computer Online Training Institutes in Hyderabad Online Training Hyderabad